Friday, July 25, 2008

Mr. Pringles

My son has quite a few interesting fact, he even has nicknames for his nicknames. When I was about four months pregnant I took my three year old daughter with me for an ultrasound. She heard the nurse say that my uterus was the size of a cantalope and from that point on, she dubbed her brother with that name.

She told everyone she saw that her mother was having a baby and we were going to name it cantelope. Her Sunday School teacher thought I was a nut for months, until I had a chance to tell her we were naming the boy after his father...and his father's name is not cantelope.

Little Paul Jr. grew and grew and as his birthday approached, he got a new nick name. Every night when my husband came home from work he would greet me with a kiss, place his hand on my ever expanding belly and say, "How is the Chip off the old block?" Pretty soon, my three year old decided to call the baby Chip, and unlike the name Cantelope, we kind of liked how this name sounded. My husband thought it sounded like a professional athlete's name. It had that little boy in overalls with a slingshot in his pocket appeal to me and of course my daughter, Clancy was just proud to have come up with it.

So Paul Jr. might have been officially named Paul, but from the day he was born he has only been known by Chip...that is until today. Clancy has been calling him Mr. Pringles all morning. When I asked her why she looked at me with that "Duh!" expression on her face and said, "Chips...Pringles...get it?

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